Get To Know Your Sewing Machine


Get To Know Your Sewing Machine Workshop

10.15am to 3.45pm on Saturday 13th July 2024 at Amble Pin Cushion.

Got a sewing machine but don’t know how to use it?

Don’t get frustrated and stick it in the back of a cupboard. Gain the confidence you need to sew independently on this Get To Know Your Sewing Machine Workshop.

Suitable for anyone over 9 years old and a parent can accompany a child at reduced cost ( £60 for both).

You’ll need to bring your sewing machine, instruction manual, basic sewing kit including thread, spare spool, and small scissors.

Course take place in our upstairs craft room – refreshments and lunch are included in the price.

Make a small item on the day using beautiful fabric.

Suitable for complete beginners with a maximum of six participants.

10% discount on all purchases made in Amble Pin Cushion on the day of the course !

Total cost is £45
£10 deposit to be paid online or in Amble Pin Cushion by Wednesday 10th July 2024, balance due on the day of the course.