Knit a Pumpkin !


Knit a Pumpkin !

10.30am to 12.30pm on Thursday 3rd September 2024
If you can do plain knit stitch and purl stitch why not join Liz on Thursday 3rd September for a fun and informal 2 hour knitting session.

We will be creating a a toy pumpkin in a ribbed pattern which you can start on the course then take away to finish at home, or create a whole collection of little pumpkins !

The pattern can be worked in a range of yarn sizes so bring along some knitting pins that you already have, along with a knitters needle for sewing up.

Materials (yarn & stuffing) and light refreshments are included, and anything else you’d like to use can be purchased at Amble Pin Cushion with 10% discount on the day of the course

This workshop takes place in our upstairs craft room and numbers are restricted to 6 knitters per session (though children may have an accompanying adult).

The full cost of this session is £25 including materials.

To secure your place please call into Amble Pin Cushion, or select the deposit option below, and pay £5 before 30.08.24

We’ll look forward to welcoming you.